Philippines and their nation— how both seems to be falling apart.

The author of this post is a filipino and this is for most filipinos out there.

Every single person in our country craves for the taste of success and yet we don’t act like we want it in the first place.

We want our country to be leveled up with other successful ones but our actions seems to contradict that idea.

It is not the ruler’s fault. It is not always the ruler’s fault. It is our fault. They only make rules, laws and guides for us to follow. And what do we do? We disobey like rabid dogs. We make harsh comments about how are government seems to be making rash decisions about this and that when we knew so little about it. We never shut up and we never listen.

And now, we whine and rally about how our country seems to be falling apart, becoming one of the poorest country in the world, blaming the government for it when a sign so simple like ‘no jaywalking’ is something we cannot even follow?

Government has played a part to the downfall of our country but we, people, the one they were ruling over were the vast majority of this place. We also make decisions. And we decided to be like this. To contradict almost everything our government has made. To disobey almost every law, even the simple ones. We are the reason why our country is in ruins.